Preparing your little ones to start school can feel overwhelming. There are so many skills you could teach them before they head into the classroom, and a great place to start is with name recognition! Teaching kids to recognize and write their names will make identifying name tags on cubbies & desks easier. It’s also a great way to practice spelling and writing.
Here are 3 fun and simple name games to kick things off!
What you’ll need:
- Colored paper and/or Post-It notes
- Markers
- Alphabet blocks, cookies, or magnets
- Play dough, clay, or slime
- Plastic letters or letter magnets
1) Build It
- Write out your child’s name on a piece of paper and have them match each letter with lettered post-it notes, blocks, or alphabet cookies.
- For younger learners, provide only the letters in their names. For older learners, you can scatter all the letters of the alphabet (ensure you have multiples for repeated letters in their names).

2) Trace It
- Write your child’s name out on a piece of paper or whiteboard, using dotted lines for each letter.
- Have your child trace each letter to practice the motions needed to write their name.
3) Stamp It
- Grab your play dough, clay, or slime and plastic letters or letter magnets!
- Roll your material into small balls corresponding to the number of letters in your child’s name.
- Have your child stamp each letter of their name into a different ball of dough.
- Ask your child to arrange the pieces in the correct order, spelling their name!

For more letter recognition, writing, and playful spelling practice, check out HOMER Learn & Grow App!